Are Your Protecting Your Customer?

Are You Keeping Your Customers Protected?

Protect your customers from Auto-Theft.

The Facts.

  • 773,139 thefts of motor vehicles nationwide in 2017 alone. That’s 237 per 100,000 citizens.

  • The nationwide loss amount tops $6 billion annually.

  • The average stolen vehicle loss is over $7,500.

  • There is 1 auto theft every 6.5 minutes, nearly 200 a day.

  • 6 of the top 10 cities with stolen vehicles are in California, the biggest in southern California.

Your customers should be covered.

The average customer will not have the funds to cover the cost of a stolen vehicle. From the time they file the theft report, to working with their insurance company throughout the process, your customer will be under financial and mental stress. Your customers will have to rent a car, and they will have to go through the lengthy process of replacing all valuables and documents, i.e driver’s license, insurance, credit cards,etc. This will increase the customers insurance premiums, leading to an increased long term expense.

Providing your customer with the option to purchase a GPS tracker will bring many benefits to your dealership :

  1. Peace of mind knowing your customers are protected.

  2. Increased retention rate of your customers, knowing you provided protection to them and their family.

  3. Increased profit margin on your vehicle sales and more product offerings.

We offer the best GPS product in the industry. Learn more about our GPS product here:

Real-Time GPS

Schedule a consultation by clicking the button below, with Real-Time Dealer Solutions to see how we can help grow your dealership.

Free Consultation

Jack Smith, MBA - Chief Marketing Officer (424)-355-5419

Real-Time Dealer Solutions, 30767 Gateway place Ste. 151, Rancho Mission Viejo, CA, 92694, United States


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